Stewardship reflections from Ann Elkins

By Ann Elkins 11/24/2024

While I was filling out the walk in Love form asks. It tells us to serve God in many ways. Each hears this call differently. Each gives of his own talent. Ask yourself what would be a gift I could bring. that would bring kindness, or generosity, I should lead by example and donate my time and energy to making our church a better place.

Here are some of the ways you can serve God. Remember God gave each of us many talents and he loves us unconditionally.

One of the easy gifts you can give is to be an Usher, greeting and handing programs as people walk thru the door, and if they are new sit near someone who will guide them so they find their place in the prayerbook and Hymnal. Guiding folks to the Altar to receive communion.

Become an acolyte just as you did in your younger days.

Become a Lay Eucharist Minister and give your fellow communicant the cup of salvation at the altar railing. This is an import role in the life of the church just as it is yours.

You could serve on the Altar Guild and set the table for God's feast. This is a reward for your soul.

We are always looking for readers. Did you know that there are 1,184 pages in the Old Testament. Jesus was smart enough to be born after that so he wouldn't have to pronounce some of the names and places. You can muddle thru them like everyone else. FYI New Testament has 183 You can learn about this at Bible Class. Which will be on zoom for advent.

This year I am in need of two new Convocation Members. All the meeting are on zoom, stay home with your coffee and dessert and attend the meetings. They start in February, one in once a month on Tuesday night, I meeting in March or April and the picnic in June. Reconvene in September for Resolution and October for Budget. November is an in-person Convention and must attend. Since Covid we are addicted to zoom meetings. If you would like to be one of the Zoom Shepherd tell Maureen or Kirt and they will happily train you.

Serving on the vestry, everyone is welcomed to sit in on a meeting. If you are interested please talk to Kit about serving. The annual meeting is the end of January and hopefully new people will be in new roles to help the church grow.

One of this church's greatest gifts is their hospitality to all who come thru the door. Help our little church grow. We can only do that if everyone participates to the best of their ability.

Real stewardship is all about giving to God your very soul.