SCRIPTURE Readings for each worship service
New revised standard version
The buttons below link to the official calendar of readings for the Revised Common Lectionary as implemented byThe Episcopal Church, on the site, for the month named in each button. The Lectionary provides the appointed readings for each Sunday of the year.
When you click the button, the Lectionary calendar for the month will be opened in a new window.
Click on the Sunday date for which you want to see the readings.
Note: During "Ordinary Time" (after Epiphany until Ash Wednesday and after Pentecost until Advent), during which there are two available "Tracks" for readings, St. John's is reading the "Track 1" (also known as "Semi-Continuous") selections. On the page for your selected Sunday, the heading "Track 1" appears near the top of the page.
Daily Readings
Daily readings from the Revised Common Lectionary, along with an option to sign up for daily emails of those selections, can be found at
““Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them...””