The Vestry of an Episcopal Church is the governing authority for all temporal (non-spiritual) business of the parish: a bit like a Board of Directors. The Vestry is elected by members of the parish. Its primary responsibilities are to take care of the parish finances, care for and maintain parish facilities and choose parish leadership, including interviewing and calling the Priest-in-Charge or rector, as required. The Vestry also assists the Priest in the nurture and extension of the church to serve its members and as Christ's hands and feet in the world.
Current members of the Vestry of St. John the Baptist:
Rhonda Burke
Ann Prunier
Jules Stackpole
Dave Giunta, Sr. Warden
David Tyler, Jr. Warden
Ann Elkins, Clerk
Jackie Keating/Anne Prunier/Kirt Gillum, Co-Treasurers
St John’s Vestry: Seated L to R: Father Dave DeSalvo; Jackie Keating, Mary Cullinan, and Ann Elkins. Standing (L to R); Maureen Gillum, Dave Tyler, Kathryn Suanders, Dave Giunta, and Rhonda Burke.
St john’s worship team and ushers
Central to our weekly Sunday worship and special services are our Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) and Readers, as well as our Ushers. We are also fortunate to have six parishioners trained (or in training) to lead Morning Prayer (MP) services. We thank you all for your faithful dedication:
Joe Beard – LEM & MP
Dick Burke – Reader
Rhonda Burke – Reader
Peter Campbell – LEM
Denise Crooker – Reader
Jane Daniell – Usher
Ann Elkins – Reader and Usher
David Giunta – LEM & MP
Jackie Keating – LEM
Jim Keating – Reader and Usher
Roland LaScala – Reader & MP
Hank Randall – Usher
Jules Stackpole - MP
David Tyler – LEM & MP
Pam Tyler – LEM & MP and Usher
St. John’s Altar Guild
St John’s Altar Guild is a special ministry to care for the sanctuary of the church and perform any other necessary duties to prepare the sanctuary and chancel for worship and clean up afterwards. StJB’s dedicated volunteers care for our altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens of the parish, according to the changing seasons of the church year and types of service. They also frequently supervise the decoration of the sanctuary of the parish with flowers. The Altar Guild’s key objectives are the care, beauty, and traditional correctness of the worship of Almighty God. The Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist has six dedicated Altar Guild members currently: Mary Cullinan, Ann Elkins, Tina Firicano (summer), Jackie Keating, Ann Prunier, and Sandy Thomas. Anyone interested in joining Altar Guild may contact Sandy Thomas, StJB Altar Guild’s team lead by clicking here.
StJB Altar Guild (L to R): Tina Firicano, Sandy Thomas, Ann Elkins, Ann Prunier, Jackie Keating, and Mary Cullinan.
StJB’s Connectors
We learned during the Covid-19 that our virtual and on-line connections as well as safety updates became imperative. Thanks to our dedicated team, we are able to connect through our weekly Zoom services (both live and recorded to later view with Zoom and in-person bulletins), our Facebook page and our on-line web presence, and stay safe. Thank YOU all:
Rhonda & Dick Burke: Zoom Shepherds; Rhonda - Weekly bulletins
Dick Burke - Covid Safety Lead and Safe Church Administrator
Joe Beard and Roland LaScala: Zoom Shepherds and worship leaders
Kathryn Saunders: Zoom Shepherd, Zoom Bulletins, Web Site Host & Lead, Facebook support
Kirt & Maureen Gillum: Zoom Shepherds, Web Site contributors, Facebook support
Delegates to Diocesan Convention
Ann Elkins
Pam Tyler
Jules Stackpole
David Tyler (Alternate)
David Guinta (Alternate)
Lakes Region Convocation
Ann Elkins
Pam Tyler
Jules Stackpole
David Tyler (Alternate)
David Guinta (Alternate)
Reaffirming the promises made at Baptism and Confirmation, a Daughter of the King pledges herself to a life-long program of prayer, service and evangelism. She receives support in this commitment from a global community of 22,000 like-minded women. Originally founded in NY in 1885, The Order of the Daughters of the King (DoK) is the sister organization of the Episcopal men’s group, The Brothers of Saint Andrews. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, the DoK vision is “to know Jesus Christ, to make Him known to others, and to become reflections of God’s love throughout the world.”
StJB’s DoK members include: Joanne Bond, Melissa Cunliffe, Kathryn Saunders, Mary Cullinan, Julia Stackpole, Pam Tyler, and Sandy Thomas (middle L inside photo, 11/21).
You are cordially invited to join the Daughter’s at St. John the Baptist -- the only DoK Chapter in all of New Hampshire -- the Douglas MacDonald Chapter (Fr. MacDonald served at StJB 1990-1995). Currently, the Daughters maintain the prayer list for the parish, do the bread ministry to welcome newcomers, send out Birthday and Anniversary cards to the congregation, and support StJB. On the fourth Sunday of the month, DoK Sunday, the Daughters gather for corporate communion at the Communion rail. If you wish to have someone placed on our prayer list -- or you are interested in joining The Order of the Daughters of the King -- please contact Jules Stackpole, DoK President (Click here to email or 207-432-4718).
Magnanimiter Crucem Sustine:
(With Heart, Mind and Spirit,
Uphold and Bear the Cross)
StJB’s Building Committee (2019-2021): Kirt Gillum, Chair; Father Dave DeSalvo; Dick and Rhonda Burke; Dave Giunta, Martha Pike; Cheryl Randall, Tina Firicano, and Maureen Gillum — along with Bishop Rob and some of our contractor team from Rourke Fine Building, Wolfboro, NH. Taken at the Hansen Pike Hall dedication, July 25, 2021. Read more about the campus reconfiguration and building our new hall.