There many ways to be involved in the life of St.John the Baptist.  And we are always interested in new ideas!

Serve in Worship

Lay Reader

If you’d like to serve during the worship service, you may want to join the Lay Readers or Eucharistic Ministers.  Your children might like to be Acolytes. If you are musically inclined, we can always use another instrument or more hands on the tambourines and bells.

Altar Guild members prepare the sanctuary for services, and clean up afterwards. Altar Guild members frequently supervise the decoration of the sanctuary of the parish with flowers. New members are always welcome.

serve with projects

We host Community Suppers, Pie Sales and other projects to reach out into and serve the community.

Serving Others Project

Do you have a green thumb? The Gardeners would love volunteers to maintain a section of the church gardens.

If you’re handy with tools or knowledgeable about building repairs, the Building and Grounds Committee may be the place for you.



 serve in prayer

Daughters of the King

Reaffirming the promises made at Baptism and Confirmation, a Daughter of the King pledges herself to a life-long program of prayer, service and evangelism. She receives support in this commitment from a worldwide community of like-minded women.  You are invited to join with the Daughters of the King at St. John the Baptist.

We give in grateful thanks to God.