StJB’s EpiscoGolf 2024 Raffle Tops $11,700 to Help Local Kids
By Maureen Gillum, 9/2/24
The Episcopal Church of Saint John the Baptist (Sanbornville, NH) is pleased to announce their primary outreach program, the annual EpiscoGolf Raffle for Children’s Charities, raised a remarkable $11,720 this year in their raffle and donations – up a bit from last year’s $11,600. This year’s EpiscoGolf efforts were dedicated to a former EpiscoGolf Chair and special StJB parishioner, Loretta Campbell, who passed away last Spring.
Since 1995, 100% of the St John’s signature outreach program – EpiscoGolf’s collective proceeds of almost $131,000 – have gone to help local kids in need. As such, EpiscoGolf has become a vital resource for local charities helping kids in need, including End 68-hours of Hunger (Milton), Secret Santa (Wakefield), Families in Transition (Rochester), School’s Out (Ossipee), Wakefield Food Pantry’s FIT (Wakefield), Homeless Center Strafford County (Home for Now; Rochester), ChiPs, Catie’s Closet, and CASA of NH. These and other groups depend on us.
And, once again, it’s time for local organizations that support kids in need to submit their simple 1-page grant application (deadline 10/30/24) to St John’s to request funding. For more information download the application following this article.
The continued success of St John’s EpiscoGolf efforts –now in its 29th year -- relies on its many generous supporters. StJB is most grateful for the backing of our key community partners, including Poor People’s Pub, Key-Day Builders, Expedite Research, Eastern Propane & Oil, Peaslee Funeral Home, E.F. Dolaher & Sons, Howe Two Landscape, Lovell Lake Market, William Krause, CPA, and Seal Pro. St John’s Vestry, parishioners and friends were also major contributors. Thankfully, even our 2024 grand prize winner, an anonymous StJB parishioner, graciously returned their entire cash prize of $1,660 this year to further help the kids.
Beyond EpiscoGolf, StJB also focuses on community building, especially to welcome and feed all. Each year, St John’s hosts 4-6 terrific community BBQ dinners and three popular holiday pie sales, which typically sell out 75+ homemade pies in less than an hour. Most recently, our StJB team also served almost 300 meatball subs at Wakefield’s wonderful 250th Birthday party celebration on August 31st. St John’s next Community Dinner will be a Ham & Bean supper on Weds, September 11th at 5 pm. Like all St John’s dinners, it is open and FREE to all who need it. For those that can afford it, a suggested donation (just $10 adults & $5 kids) is gratefully accepted to help cover food costs and fund StJB community programs.
The Episcopal Church of Saint John the Baptist proclaims the gospel of Jesus Christ in worship, fellowship and outreach. Everybody needs a place. We invite you to make St John’s your place. For more information, please visit, call us at 603-522-3329, or join us at 118 High St, Sanbornville, NH for any Sunday service at 9 am – and be sure to stick around for our yummy coffee hour right after for some good food and fellowship.
episcogolf grant 2024 applications
Dear Friends of St John’s EpiscoGolf,
July 2024
It’s time again for St John the Baptist (StJB)’s annual EpiscoGolf Children’s Charity – in fact it’s our 29th! We hope to exceed last year’s St John EpiscoGolf Raffle, which raised $11,600. Since 1995, 100% of StJB’s EpiscoGolf proceeds – collectively, more than $131,000 – has supported local NH charities which help kids, including End 68-hours of Hunger (Milton), Secret Santa (Wakefield), Families in Transition (Rochester), School’s Out (Ossipee), Wakefield Food Pantry (Wakefield), ChiPs, and CASA of NH. These and many other groups – most our community partners -- depend on us each year. Please consider supporting StJB’s EpiscoGolf outreach efforts:
• Buy a StJB EpiscoGolf 2024 Limited Golden Raffle Ticket. Only 100 tickets ($100 each; buy solo or split) will be sold for a chance to win up to $2,000 (20% of raffle intake). Don’t delay - we’ve sold lots already!
• And/or be a StJB EpiscoGolf 2024 Sponsor (ideal for business) or Personal Donor (any amount welcome): __ Platinum ($1,000+); Gold __ ($249-$999); __ Silver ($100-$249); $__ Bronze ($25 to $99) $_____ (other)
Remember, no contribution is too small – every dollar helps. Together, we can & will make a collective difference to help our local kids. Please visit: or contact me directly ( or 603- 494-8466) for more info – or just fill out the slip below & mail it back to StJB by August 10th.
We also hope to see you at St John’s (118 High St. Sanbornville, NH) for our tasty StJB Community BBQ on Weds, August 14, 2024, 5 pm. At the BBQ we’ll draw the 29th EpiscoGolf grand prize raffle winner (up to $2K!) around 6:15 pm (winner needn’t be present). Please come enjoy some great food & summer fun for the whole family.
Thank You and God Bless,
Maureen Gillum
StJB EpiscoGolf Ministry Team Lead
Click on the ticket image to enlarge and print…
drizzle brings success to stjb’s episcogolf 2019
StJB’s EpiscoGolf 2019 Committee (L to R): Peter Campbell, Jimbo Keating, Loretta Campbell, & Hap Horrigan
StJB’s EpiscoGolf 2018 Delivers
StJB EpiscoGolf’s Peter Campbell (L) and Jimbo Keating (blue shirt) presents WFP’s Howie Knight (2nd L) and Janet Miller (R) a check from EpiscoGolf 2018, at the Wakefield Food Pantry.
“The Outreach Mission of EpiscoGolf is to better the quality of life for underprivileged children by providing grants to children’s organizations and charities. We are a non-denominational community outreach program providing grants regardless of religion, race, gender, etc.”